Lam Heng Soh's comment on BPLANT. All Comments

Lam Heng Soh
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LTAT私有化 Boustead…
andeline tay83
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Lam Heng Soh
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Brother Lam, you are right it is flying. But how come LTAT Privatise will fly?
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Lam Heng Soh
Add me in messanger or fb
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Colly Foo
i just bought at 0.36. someone ask me to buy!! but never disclose the reason.
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Ricardo Siau
yes, u r right
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Leong Wey Chyuan
The news said the privatisation of BSTEAD will trigger mandatory general offer to Bplant and pharma since they hold major stake
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roti canai 来了
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如果是 roti canai 必定会回调 ! 支撑价位 ! 33
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明天很多股都会开高走低 ! 想买股不必急 !
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Ricardo Siau
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稳稳滴。。。。buy buy buy
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Ricardo Siau
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Ricardo Siau
mandatory offer
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Chew ZT
I only know the proposed price for Boustead privatisation is Rm0.80, may i knw where u find the 0.60 mandatory offer news
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Leong Wey Chyuan
Report out.
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Johnny Wong
Mr. Lam so what is your view on after report out?
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Lam Heng Soh
quiet good aIready…hope the CPO price will steady up
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Johnny Wong
ok. thanks ?
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Yi Quan Ong
Hi dear all sifu, can anyone enlight me how to read from annual report that the losses due to the stock price reduction tremedously from last quarter to this quarter?
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Ricardo Siau
38 sens.... woooooooooow
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凯项AhSiang Story
Hi, may I know what is ur opinion on Bplant? Its Qr is improving although small loss.. Cpo price also going up to 2400+ But there is news about Bstead is going to be privatised.. Is there any effect on Bplant since it is under Bstead? Will Bplant be privatised also?
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Ricardo Siau
it will be privatised too if boustead is privatised
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凯项AhSiang Story
But they will give offer price to Bplant as well as they did to Bstead right?
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Ricardo Siau
yes.... it's called mandatory offer
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凯项AhSiang Story
May I know how you know they offer 0.6 for Bplant?
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Ricardo Siau
my own calculation based on dcf
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凯项AhSiang Story
Alright, thank you..
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Johnny Wong
Mr. Lam will Bplant privatise?
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Lam Heng Soh
How can i know?,OnIy GOD wiⅠl know the answer…Ha!,Anyways,i stiIⅠ holding
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Johnny Wong
hahahahah I thought you are god
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Lam Heng Soh
God no use Money,Only we human being Love it,n wiII die for it…AIways
Rem:No M.No LOVE。Ha!Ha!
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Don't be fooled , LTTA have 4000 million to acquire Busted? this will never happen.
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