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Hi, just out of my curiosity. Since most of you here said will stay until next qr due to Bombastic result. How if, the price drop to rm15 to 18 (without adjustment of BI) will u still hold? No offence just Wan to know your thinking cuz I'm out of idea too. Tq
If the price drop to 15 , 18 lagi bagus because more ppl rush in when split... more push up bombastic
But I think impossible because most of us with knowledge at stock will keep on hold
TG profit is not long-term profit as the glove industry is unlike the IT industry where there is much more research and innovation. When more competitors supply gloves, TG's margin will definitely be affected.
These rubber glove counters are momentum stocks. I think actual financial results will have no impact on current prices as it have all been factored in...so trade on momentum, not fundamentals.
Danz after BI the eps also will get diluted from the new number of shares right? So, personally think is possible as vaccine news keep on spreading around. But it doesn't means TG won't rise back LA.. Everything is possible happen in share market. Hope for the best
TopG is a share I buy and I can sleep well. When the price on the rise, I am happy; When the price drop, I have a chance to buy at a discounted price. Either way, I am happy. I will continue with this process.
Penta is only a small part of the huge tech world. Tech is profitable if u get to be part of the right contracts... 5G..6G. Faster chipsets. More lasting batteries etc. Glove will be nitrile glove... maybe lighter nitrile glove..no much scope for innovation. Lol Andrew... what phone do you use?
not long term profit, but if you run business, and you supply about 25% of the world's demand. Will you readjust back to precovid price? or, if you are one of the smaller makers.. if covid subsides, will you be the one to cut price? or will you be putting extra effort to produce more to sabotage the price of whatever item you selling?
totally understand about the growth part. of course gloves' profit margin has reached its bottleneck. My opinion is that the next step the makers are going to snatch the margin from the resellers. I honestly don't know top glove existence in Malaysia until recent years. But now after this round, game changes. People finally know they are using gloves from probably the same maker. Ansell chipping into careplus doesn't ring any bell to you meh? Ansell probably bought from big4 so why change plan.
Vian wl: Ansell bought careplus is for an immediate entry into the profit as glove manufacturer. Supply of gloves is on the way up due to many companies setting up their production lines. Vian wl.. do you think there will be a huge supply soon in late 2021? Market forces will put downward pressure on the pricing when supply exceeds demand, don't you agree? ;)
if* supply > demand. also, Not hard to justify price hike after all the social justice issue. ok la, I feel like I let out many secrets edi. yup, glove share will tumble to precovid era, overpriced, with vaccine no glove will be able to sell. Cut loss now or you will regret.