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rakan2 investor yg disayangi sekalian..hari ini kami di kedai CCK berbesar hati untuk memberi jualan murah..today is Megasale sempena hari raya..kami tawarkan separuh harga :)..mai2 boli..ayam kami sedap dimasak dengan sup bunjut..kuang3 :)
ok..u can see your portfolio now..it is adjusted to 0.965..this calculated by 5Dclosingpriceweightedaverage..how to calculate? :)..u all tambah semua closing price minggu lepas & puratakan..then subdivide..iaitu bahagi 2..
sat..naper nak beli cck ni? baguih ke? what your expectations..abg tgh analyze theoretical opening price order dia ni..tgk apa jadi hr ni..to accumulate all relevant data when corp exercise took place..
Based on fundamental mmg 10/10. Compared to it peers pun they are doing well. Saya student account, pandai tengok fundamental je bro. TA still tgh belajar but as of now very2 limited knowledge. Nak gi class takdak duit, terpaksa belajar sendiri :(
faez haiqal..u said fundamental 10/10..as student account..FA macam mana u tengok? what ratio? comparison to peer in term of what that they are outstanding?
Tip swing: u have to search consistently growth EPS..and TA is on uptrend mode @ consistently make the new high..this type is stock more safe to swing...
byk faktor perlu dilihat.. makro - sentiment semasa (index, economic data, etc2) local & global.. mikro - sector apa tu; kpj?myeg?cck? what catalyst impact their price?.. Value - TA (reading psikology) support? resistance? FA - intrinsic value?
if investor..look at their business model..is it sustainable enough? how great they are compare to competitors? how they utilise asset (tangible & intangible) in making revenue & earning? top mgmt directive? what their future plan? what their risk mgmt & control? how they evaluate n to better? how adaptive they are in facing the challenges?
lagi lama lagi naik nanti..penat dia nak buka cawangan retail lagi lima..cost cutting measures..enjoy low raw material..expand indon production..capex spent..increase cash n equivalent..so pls buy.:)