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业绩只是会计数字,股价不会自动漲,須要人为炒作才会向上升,E PF及政府基金向股市注入资金,投资银行向小投资者提供三倍借贷,今到很多有投资能力者在炒作人的鼓吹下去追買同样一个股,造成须求多过供给情况,,形成金字塔效应,整体股市向上升。如果现在E P F没有向市场注入金錢,股市如何向上升?靠你手上那一些小錢?笑死人!
QR good is a support for the company, if you think that QR bad, the share price will up ke ? Just be patient, buy and wait for good return one day, if your mind set need fast, then better go Bintai, XOX and others, cheers.. Just my opinion...