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Brother & Sister... KYY talk negative to AT because he want to buy in (buy cheap).... don't let him buy cheap... my boss told me to bring up the price on Monday... let him buy high price..... All this is because AT production start very very soon... price sure going to RM0.300 - RM0.500... Trust me.... all these is only he said.... U all see... later after he brought enough... production started.. then he will start praise AT positive to bring price further up..... U ALL SEE..........
I support Samuel, this time AT look like serious want to do glove. Not wayang wayang saja. That old fox just wan to buy in cheap price. Then he keep disturbing n talk negative for AT. Hold tight guys, kyy say sell mean the AT share is going to fly.....
Samual is showing the fact. Kyy & his follower is attempt to reenter AT, Who believe him will be cheated & lose money again. This kind of tricks repeat many time.