Issac Lim's comment on LAGENDA. All Comments

Issac Lim
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Qucus Phang
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Maggie Tang
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Teoh JOe Joe
May i know what happen? How come boost suddenly.... Newb here
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Ÿıî Ĵäåçk
Good company and last quarter start to make huge profit, but not sure why share price boost today haha
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InWooi Ng
Price haven’t intact with the value still got room to improve...MCO didn’t affected its business in Perak
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Sky Liew
pp1.12 price fixed jo
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Issac Lim
今天又是美好的一天 今晚吃肉
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Kee Ming
请问1.55 买了 现在1.45 需要止损吗?
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InWooi Ng
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James Liew
run first hahahaha
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InWooi Ng
哈哈depend ur risk
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InWooi Ng
下个业绩继续向好,eps 增加,PE拉低,有买地的话,NTA又会高了 不懂公司拿了这么大笔钱,有没有趁便宜买一点地 哈哈
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kelvin cha
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