KC mai's comment on TECHBASE. All Comments

KC mai
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I heard from friends in the industry that NIKE has no more orders to Prolexus. Nike's supplier reorganization plan has eliminated small and medium-sized factories, and retained the supplier which have factories in difference countries ( at least three ) and manpower should more than 10,000 people in the purpose to control risks and streamline management.

Next, we will see a decrease in Prolexus' clothing orders and a serious decline in turnover. After all, NIKE used to account for 40% of its orders. Especially when the sales of masks are not ideal. This is why the market (banks and insiders) keeps selling.
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TK Ong
Why today rebound only u say this? last few weeks didn't hear anything from you. some more this is the 1st comment from your new acc. Suspicious.
4 Like · 4 years · translate
KC mai
I just read the financial report carefully and found that except for a major shareholder who holds more than 12% of the company's shares, the other board members are all less than 1%. Unbelievable! Does this mean that the board has no confidence in Prolexus?

The share buyback mentioned before also seems to disappear. So disappointed with the senior management of Prolexus, seems to lack management capabilities. Whether they are able to survive in this epidemic is uncertainly.
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
KC mai
If you don't believe it, please buy more. Let see what will happen after few months.
1 Like · 4 years · translate
TK Ong
Yes true. I'm also deeply disappointed with the management. No news at all for share buyback. No support at the share price. Same feeling as you. But the only thing is why have to use a new acc to post comment.
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KC mai
Ong, I know you are an insider of Prolexus, so your remarks are beneficial to the company.
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TK Ong
KC. Franky speaking. It's not that I don't want to believe your statement. In fact I believed what you posted when I first read your comment. I'm also a normal retailer who bought Prolexus share last year. It just that a new comment in a new acc doesn't carry any trust value to the other readers. It makes ppl suspect that you have other intention behind making the above statement or you are hiding from something to create a new acc. That's the point I want to make.
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2 Like · 4 years · translate
TK Ong
If the statement from you is true, I would say sorry if I really misunderstood you. But u know what I mean right? Ppl don't trust new acc.
1 Like · 4 years · translate
KC mai
I can fully understand what your concerns. We all only need to consider whether what I said is reasonable, then make your own judgment. You will get the information from the QR soon, then you will know what actually happened.
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Ken Neth
agree with Toon. prolexus has been dropping like crazy for many weeks and he has never commented. now only share such negative comment. pls don spread false news. unless u hv evidence.
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Ideas Kleverman
Nike is still shown on their website homepage though
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Bruise Lee
Actually KC, the bankers were long gone from prolexus. What talking you?
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KC mai
If Prolexus management thinks that what I said is not true, then they should actively buy back their own company's stock. As somebody said, the PE is so low, and the company is very profitable. But if the company does not buy back its own stock, then what I said is absolutely true. Perhaps under my stimulus, the company is willing to actively buy back its own stock. That’s also good news for those who have trapped inside, isn’t it?
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
Chris Ng
u heard from friends that heard from friends...yea...dats how rumours started....
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KC mai
I agree with you, but it also depends on the quality of the source.The friends who gave me this information is a banker who had good relationships with their top management. And I have double confirmed with some senior in the textile industry. Some things are secret to us, but transparent to them. For example, it is known in the industry whether Prolexus still has NIKE orders.QR will release a few more weeks later. I believe that we can see the slippage of apparel orders and mask orders on the financial report data. The data will tell us the truth.
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Kk Kk
1 Like · 4 years · translate
KC mai
KK, it seems you may also agree that they have been abandoned by NIKE. I hope you are right, they may make some changes to help the company survive. So it is also good for friends who are stuck in it.

But what are they can do? If they were failure to open the market for masks, are they plan to make gloves or vaccines? Impossible! Too late. It is recommended that those who have not entered the arena may wish to wait awhile. Those who have entered the arena please take care of themselves!
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Bruise Lee
Have you seen the revenue and profit contributed by face mask? Yes the quantum may decline but the contribution in the first quarter alone was 3x apparel.

What we know is management was opportunistic in capitalizing on initiatives when available.

Don't forget without Nike they still have under armour and would consolidation of small supplier be permanent? It's not easy for MNC to get quality supplier and usually operate on PO and not contract. Future is not as bleak as how you paint.
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2 Like · 4 years · translate
KC mai
Do you know that what investors are concerned about when investing in stocks? It is definitely not how much money the listed company has in its pockets, although cash flow is very important. But more important is the future potential of the company.

If NIKE abandons Prolexus, do you still naively think that Under Armour will continue to place orders for Prolexus in the future. Not only NIKE, it is said that Asics and Prolexus have already severed their partnership.

It’s not that I’m not optimistic about Prolexus, but when a listed company’s core business is not doing well, we still naively hope that they will have breakthroughs in new businesses. This is a bit self-deceiving. Of course, it does not mean that you can't buy. But obviously the trend of Prolexus is still falling, and the risk of entering the market at this time is too great. Why we want to take the unnecessary risks, especially when the orders are not optimistic.

I would suggest that wait for the financial report come out and analyze if the turnover and profit of apparel orders and mask orders have fallen? How much has fallen? And then make a smart decision. Don't enter the market stupidly.
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
Siiyang Chor
chill bro..
If win money,ppl wont thank you..
But if lose money, ppl blame you..
Jz let them be..
But then for me.. 0.4 0.4
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Kk Kk
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Bruise Lee
Based on the details shared which is obviously not on news and announcement, I think there are reasons to believe you should be reported for insider trading already.. ring ring...

Anyway to counter your point, Nike was consolidating it's supplier base as opposed to cancelling due to quality issue. Please be careful how you are framing this before clouding it's entire business.

Case study would be JCY, also lost a key customer. You don't collapse overnight unless you are not a serious business
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KC mai
Your stupidity makes me laugh. What is insider trading?

[Illegal act of buying and selling oneself on the stock exchange by obtaining confidential information.]

Based on your response, it is obvious that you are the top management of Prolexus, but sadly you are definitely a fool one in the top management. Please learn how to manage your company and understand how the industry work first! Incompetent!

Your reply is obviously an insider's reply. So thank you for indirectly acknowledging that Prolexus has lost its two major customers, NIKE and Asics. That's why I said you are a fool!

Any circle is actually very small, there are no secrets, as long as you know any textile factory or apparel factory. Insider trading is about the people like you, who are hurting retail investors with weak and unequal information. You unscrupulous sharks always cover up the truth, make falsehoods, and deceive us.

Threat us? Maybe we should mobilize the power of our relationship to dig out the truth and let everyone see clearly.
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KC mai
Chor, you are right.

KK, look forward to their QR. When that time please ask powerful netizens with good financial background to help analyze it.
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Bruise Lee
haha what a joke.. I wish I was top management because the future will be very bright..

prove to me that your news is real because insider trading do not only cover buy low sell high, can be sell high buy low. You must be from IB already trying to bomb the stock like glove counters!! Bursabet we will rise to STOP YOU

May I ask what is your motive for continue to spread negative news about the company? Trying to collect at lower price? The fact that you continue to monitor is suspicious
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Bruise Lee
anyway if chor was right he wouldn't want to buy 0.4. The only reason why you would buy is because you know this is temporary setback but you want to make sure you can sell high buy low so you spread more negative news.... evil manipulators here
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2 Like · 4 years · translate
Siiyang Chor
bruise.. Follow yrself..
Everyone is bullshyt..
What accurate is how the market react..
Assuming prlexus going up.. I only can watch it fly.. Cnt share the happiness with you guys.. TT..

sames goes to you..
If it up, ppl wont see but ask you to treat.
But then If it going down, those ppl will become master with 'told you, ask you sell'
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Bruise Lee
I agree, KC Mai setup new account to talk about bullshit story here. Why not have some balls and use the original account? In the first place don't admit intend to sell high buy low
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KC mai
I believe you are not, and sincerely hope you are not the top management in Prolexus.

Fortunately if you are not, then Prolexus still has hope. Otherwise, based on your IQ, it will be hopeless.

"temporary setback"

You said it was a temporary setback as falling so bad as this.

I really admire you. OK! You win! Why don't you tell us when the adjustment will end, and where can we go up? We can learn from you.

Don't waste my time here with you anymore.
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OMG Wilson
0.40 cannot la.... 0.80 ++ can sapu sapu already, fabric products getting popular in various market. Can aim for long term grow .
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Bruise Lee
Wonder why you spend much time commenting here at prlexus, if you are so pessmistic why not comment other counters?

Tell everyone what is your intention la fake account
2 Like · 4 years · translate
Ng Wai Chong
Guys, pls think on its management capabilities, when the pandemic just started, company immediately take action, to produce the fabric mask and the technology with able to block the bacterial, its action is to protect its profit, because they know the apperal business would be seriously affected. They just done their textile factory, for vertical integration on apperal production, and they able to produce the good quality mask because of the contribution of its new textiles factory.
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Ng Wai Chong
They doing business expansion and management able and rapidly response to the different circumstances in order to protect its business profit. Is this company good?
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Bruise Lee
Exactly my point was management was quick to capitalize on opportunity, Mr KC says management is taking shareholders for a ride. People put effort you criticize, might as well they hire KC as CEO since he can do better.

Nonsense statement.. whether what he heard was true or not (he will surely go drink coffee with SC since not public news).
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
KC mai
I do not give any advice whether to continue to hold or sell. I only suggest all investors being patient and wait for the financial report, then see how much the mask and garment business has fallen? Then make a clear decision.

Actually, I don’t want to say too much. But it’s because you continue to quibble, continue to keep lying, and draw people into the abyss, so I should tell more truth to everybody.

Prolexus not only has no orders for apparel, but also orders for masks. The next step is to burn money every month. It will show in next 2 quarter.
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OMG Wilson
Wow, burn money 2 quarters.... that’s so terrible. I checked prolexus qr each quarter 5m administration fees... Prolexus got 150m cash ... can burn 25quarters which is 6years no income lol
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Bruise Lee
I did not advocate for anyone to keep topping up prolexus. I just want to voice out because your behavior is no diff from shortist. Bursabet will rise to fight you. I'm sure you are dying to close your short position but Bursabet will stop your evil plan. Ridiculous to say face mask and apparel halt to zero.. wfh + mandate to wear fashionable mask is in trend. Please go home brother, you with your nonsense
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2 Like · 4 years · translate
Ng Wai Chong
I hv no idea whether their coming result is good or not. But, you so confirm that what you mentioned here is "truth"? Just my opinion, management experience and past action seems like they able to run their business, but as what you said they burn money, this look like is not so realistic.
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2 Like · 4 years · translate
KC mai
At this time, the identity of the person who is still jumping out to explain is self-evident.

Their cash flow can indeed be maintained for a period of time, but it is not as long as you said. At the same time, don’t forget that they borrowed a lot from the bank. One of the reasons the bank was willing to lend to them was because they had customers such as NIKE & ASICS Now the conditions are different, the banks would worry that, as you said, after burning for half to a year, or maybe 2 year , will they still have money to repay the bank? During this time, the bank will and must quickly communicate with them about the repayment ability and orders status if they are not stupidly. Are they stupid? No! They are smart enough.

Then the problem will follow with the problem. We should have macro thinking. That all.
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Bruise Lee
Please proof to us with documents that they lost Nike and ASICS la.. come here talk kok. Smart money has already flown into the warrant whilst you talk about revenue lost... business don't disappear overnight, this business survived longer than you eat salt
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
KC mai
Look, some teams unbearable and pull up the warrant to prove my point is wrong, by the way, create a false impression that people follow to buy.

To give you an advice, you must pull at least two or three days to build market confidence and reverse the overall technical trend. But do you have the courage?

With any bad news in market, you are all over. But I support you to push up the price to help some people escape. Let do it.
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
Chris Ng
Have not seen you at all from RM 1.6x. And all of sudden, with a new account; starts talking like you really care about this counter. Hello! As far as I know, if you're holding massive lots and stucked at high floor; you can CL and sell all you want for all we care. But then when you come in at 0.9x and start telling us your grandpa stories; it creates panic and havoc. So, kindly state your intention. If your intention is good; then just shut up unless you have facts with documented data.
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4 Like · 4 years · translate
TK Ong
Don't keep looking at mother share. Go look at the warrant today. Someone is collecting warrant today looking at the volume.
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Bruise Lee
Happy to know there are many like minded person standing up to suspicious KC Mai. This guy's intention is questionable and for all we know is part of shortist group. As emphasized many times, Bursabet will rise to fight against all evils
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6 Like · 4 years · translate
Chris Ng
I may believe him if it's 1.60 now and he comes in and tells us this grandpa stories so that we all don lose so much...but this stock has gone down like waterfall since 1.60...its definitely a good target for shorties! and he comes here acting like hes some sort of saints wanting to help us ...HELLO! as far as i know; all human beings are the same...if they see something bad going to happen...they will run first quietly. Coming here spreading this kinda rumours and then telling us its NOT A BUY OR SELL CALL? What is that supposed to mean? It's like giving someone a pistol and then tell people that you didnt ask him to shoot or don't shoot and you just give him the pistol only. He has planted the idea, so execution is in our hand. If i may ask; what nonsense is that? if the intention is good as he claimed; then shut up let ppl who bought prlexus to decide for themselves. Simple as that.
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7 Like · 4 years · translate
Bruise Lee
Chicken little have already start covering his position... he realise bursabet will target his back already.
2 Like · 4 years · translate
KC mai
There is a group of people here who are constantly advocating everyone to buy stocks, because they want to quit, they have many stocks stuck there and have already lost money.

If they want to save themselves, someone must buy up their shares. This is why stocks immediately fell after a day of rising. And the son drop so much.
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TK Ong
Too many sellers with huge share volume
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KC mai
Let's see if those powerful screaming IDs have begun to calm down. Their purpose is self-evident. When investing in stocks, we need to be rational. There are too many crooks here!

How many times have we seen their other important figures, such as executive directors, independent directors, CEOs, and CFOs enter the market to buy stocks of their own companies (except for big bosses), especially when the decline is so large, but all Everyone says that the fundamentals are good, but PE is very low.

What information does this indirectly reflect? Perhaps their company executives have no hope for the future of their company! Otherwise, they don't know how to manage!

I believe that the only person who will continue to buy back their company shares is their big boss, because he has no choice. Others simply cannot see the future of their company, or they are inconsistent with the company. We need to know that PE can be a positive number, or it can be reduced from a single number to a negative number!

Investing in stocks is very important and depends on the company's management team! Under normal circumstances, companies that can quickly respond to successful changes in the early stages of an epidemic, it's hardly imagined such a bad outcome. Is it just a momentary ebb, or the soul that really promotes the company's change has disappeared, and the company is about to fall into the bigger crisis, let time prove it!

Beautiful beginning, but terrible ending.
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Bruise Lee
Again, using your fake account to only comment on PR lexus. love to see your reaction when QR is out next month
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Chris Ng
He obviously cant keep his blardy mouth shut. And everytime when the counter closed red; he will come over to talk cock. If he wanna cl..just cl..if he wanna buy in..just buy in...if he got nothing here, then wth is he doing here?
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
KC mai
Mother drop until 0.845, and the son drop until 0.085. Now it is obvious who the liar is?

It is still in a serious downward trend, wait until this month's financial report comes out before making a decision! What is certain is that there will be profits, just like last quarter's financial report, but the sales and profit decline will be worse and more serious!
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Shong Jing Chew
operator mazai?? thanks information...I will cut lose
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OMG Wilson
I bought 0.83.... wanna cut loss already... tak boleh tahan liao
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Chiang Chye Eng
no need CL. High 0.89
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Ng Wai Chong
KC mai, which other counter is good to Investing? Prove to other your capability.
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Alvyn Seng
I agree with Bruise Lee. It is quite obvious that this KC Mai pretended to be so kind to ask ppl to sell now... but actually he is trying to influence ppl to sell cheap so he can collect cheap... we have seen so many crooks like this before
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Alvyn Seng
but it is very funny la... who does this KC Mai think he is??? he thinks he has the power to influence ppl??? hahahaha... he thinks he is Warren Buffet?? hahaha... I think he is over-confident of his weak influence.... hahahahahahahaha
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2 Like · 3 years · translate
Bruise Lee
I told you all from start KC Mai trying damn hard to short this stock. shortist won't win in Bursa, Bursabet will rise and fight all shortist!!
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OMG Wilson
Cut lost cut lost ... will fly high soon... danger lol
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