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wait they inject 20% new shares into the market, the share price might further drop more...they will add more 116millions more share to dilute the earning, and now this counter gearing ratio is above 50% (THE ONLY ONE REIT IN MALAYSIA GEARING RATIO EXCEED 50%), and this counter MD is former CEO of bank Mualamat which have a bad reputation, google it for yourself, but everyone bet because it's Sultan Johor company and JCorp has a good reputation...do more research before invest..don't purposely chase for dividend yield
after 2 years, they still not yet bold to inject another 116 millions new shares, cash distribution from 20mil since ipo to 9 mil, it's rental business, but they have 10 mil of trade receivables, and big chuck o impairment, really ? main belakang no pay rent, so alsreit absord it all ??? dog dog