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Actually AA already been negative earnings before the covid-19. So, the decision making is which company you want to choose between a continuously huge earnings company or a negative earning company haha.
Aa received 3 award at 2019 even making losses, 55millions passaeger a years, and 2020 is malaysia toursrim year, if nothing happen 2020 Aa aiming can gain 2 to. 3 years profit.. 3 billions not a problem, 2019 is to break record 55millions passengers.. You really thinking 55 millions passenger s a year, rm10 increase price, already 550millions more profit , want to earn profit they really cannot or they don't want earn but targeting on break record and get award?? And full gain in 2020 malaysia tourism year, but what to expect... No one expected this will. Happen... Anyway.. Wish all counter OK.. Just sharing