Fortune Family Office's comment on 2771. All Comments

Fortune Family Office
7 Like · Reply
Aiya... Just almost 80sen ah... like weak already... Nice huat anyways... (^.^)/$$$
Chong wray
finally...... half year only move. Still consider not bad. haha
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Fortune Family Office
Yes, expect to go back 60sen... (^.^) just fast profit...
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Wan EH
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Ng Yew Cho
i cut loss last friday at 0.595.. this week u jump.. knn :-(
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Sin Hong Liu
This counter 1 year goreng few time
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Fortune Family Office
Yep... know the cycle... (^.^)/$$$ must be patient too... Impatient buy, then must catch early
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Jack Zoom
privatization ltat offer 1.20 buy 41% share
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Sin Hong Liu
Below 0.60 may start collect some
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Fortune Family Office
Cool... later collect back? XD
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Sin Hong Liu
Waiting meow signal much better
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Fortune Family Office
Wait ltat drama best (^.^)
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Sin Hong Liu
Ltat story longtime liao, that’s y always up & down
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Fortune Family Office
That's why I said "Drama" :))) After few times like this goreng and say ltat buy, the profit from the goreng also enough to actually buy the company lol
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Sin Hong Liu
Serbak got much story now
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Mohd Alif Jahidi
buy today for tomorrow..hua huat
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Sky Liew
tml agm can ask board lo
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Sky Liew
for me no news is good bews
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Fortune Family Office
as expected lol... drama... would come end
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Sin Hong Liu
0.55 please coming
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Ng Cheong Yong
0.35 please coming
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Alvin Hoo
0.55 dream.. 0.35 can go heaven dy.. Haha.. Lol
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Ng Yew Cho
wao.. jump 0.765
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I put 0.78 also cannot hit
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Ng Yew Cho
nxt week laa.. but donno how far can go lo
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Fortune Family Office
only 76sen.. no 78...
1 Like · 3 years · translate
mm david going down
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Yi Fan
WC ask cao sit cao confirm sit hhahahaah
2 Like · 3 years · translate
Fortune Family Office
privatise should green all the way, not red (^.^)
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Sky Light18
offer now, haha
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Fortune Family Office
alittle.. but not as much offer as last week (^.^)
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Simon Seah
Meow meow up up up
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Simon Seah
Hi this stock can buy now?
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Wawai Samah
1st day green after pullback.. Should consider buy.. Low risk..
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