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Hahaha, don’t too mention what the promoter said. He never said something true one, from beginning until now.
Safe to be comment here, cause no one will against you, we all are normal human and got logic thinking one
So you saying AT going to consolidate?? So why are you angry when saying AT going to consolidated... Come on pro master.. Be a good promoter.. Dont change your mind.. Hahaha
I din say it will be console, is u all said genetec nvr been console, AT will console… so what i mean if really console price also will come like genetec… of corse i dont think AT will console, mark my words dude
Hahhaha... Its you the one Said genetec had being consol..
Support 0.055 so strong is it.. Hahhaa..
By the way.. At 0.19 you said will fly.. At 0.07 strong support..
So what's next.. When you say up, it will go down.. So what's next??
No ppl will thank you if this stock up but for sure ppl will blame u along the way cause u call buy since high price…the best way is just keep quiet and counting ur loss pa