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i had bad experience with kpower n pnepcb....dnex the only 1 i got 100%+...so dnex cover all my lost in other stok.... that why im panic when people keep barking LD
Sis kalau boleh jangan bergantung sangat dengan news and baca comments dari siapa2 pun. Price discounts everything. Fokus pada price. News tak semestinya affect the price pun. Paling senang fokus pada technical :)
ye mmg i newbie...br je bljr2 tgk fundamental...tp selain fundamental i invest sbb yakin dgn mgmt yg bagus2 bknnye bejudi...tp ble ade kes melibatkan mgmt for sure la investor rse gusar sket kn...tp xpe masih profit 5angka lg... alhamdulilah...EP 0.37 feb sblm CNY mse tu...still holding...hihi...pg td dh masuk order sell 0.725 mujo sempat cancel order last mnt....
betol kak , siltera management baru dari china dan taiwan tu memang bukan main main ... company asal dia org pun world top 500 , kalau ada apa tak betol mesti dia org lapor polis minta siasat.. meniaga betol betol baru boleh jadi... dia org bisnes bukan terpulang sgt kpd nasib.. buatkan hingga jadi