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Jun Lee, 短时间没戏,大环境不怎么好,马币贬值厉害,造成铜价上涨,生产成本也跟着大涨,估计会冲击公司的利润。加上近期这么多所谓的利好因素,也无法吸引资金涌入,反而排队卖出的单每天都几十户,说明目前多空双方势均力敌罢了,未来多方能不能取得优势,还是未知数,不过以整体大环境趋向衰退来说,多方要占上风还是比较吃力的!
exercise price fix at 0.275 per warrant , warrant price will around 7cts, I think 大户will push the mother share price up in order the warrant price also go up. so they will win both side. but how much they will push, wait and see