Anthony Tan's comment on HTPADU. All Comments

Anthony Tan
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Isham added that he would wait for Anwar's statement, where he believes that Anwar will claim that there is no issue regarding the matter.

"I can guess what he will say… It is highly likely that he will claim that there is no issue of governance or cronyism because his friend is a successful; businessman, and so on, and not a politician anymore, and this is just a regular business matter, and he has no involvement in it.

"And then I see the likelihood that Heitech Padu and his friend will secure that RM1 billion government contract and make tens or hundreds of millions in profits from contracts funded by taxpayers' money from the taxes paid by the people.
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Ramley Ismail
probably pmx will say ... nothing wrong ... they bought at around 2.90 sometime 12.03.2024... price now 1.78 ...hope drop further below rm1
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