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When next Qtr Good results out, in Dec, May declare additional Div like. KMLoong, sister company. Very cash rich Co, Good prospects and Management. Can't understand such good Company with v strong fundamentals, large land Bank of 2000 acres in Johore, and projects near RTS can fall so much!! Undervalued definitely.
Sure, I too hope it will drop to 50 sen or RM1.50 which was price before the split, lucrative land sales and economic plus property boom in JB. Buy like somebody said, it's a different animal already, no more the ugly duckling it used to be so to speak. It has turned into a cash rich beautiful swan. Get real brother. Cannot keep hoping and wishing for something that has passed.
Esos 40 million shares, haha. Yes, Cash is king for all the executive directors. Sell land then esos with Exercise price 1.06, bilis will give free cash to all directors. Let Kenny continues support this price. Bullish trend recovers? Haha when? D
Haha, Kenny I think it is useless supporting on my comments. If u think the share so bright, just top up the share and sailang all your money to support..
Hello Kenny. Continue support this share and buy more ba. With just a few one time purchase, the price ady jumped from 0.4 to 1.5. Then after dividen ex date it dives 30% but surprisingly still got ppl supporting it with …sarcasm notes. Great!!!! I will just take it as Joke of the year in here.