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Director sales aren’t always negative. Sometimes, they make room for large fund houses, which can benefit the company long-term. Are u familiar with such dynamics in the stock market? Chill bro~
Patience is key, but it’s important to know this company is in a solid green industry, working with Fortune 500 companies on long-term contracts. This is a long-term investment, not a stock that will spike overnight.
If this company lacked strength, continuous sell-offs from shareholders would cause the stock to plummet uncontrollably, like a company in distress. The fact that this isn’t happening reflects its stability and long-term potential for growth.
Almost....mean not reach 6 months yet... Because normally shareholder of the company got 6 months lock to sell their shares... After 6 months the share price mayb got movement.
This is what I worry about....2 months ago also got a company forget what's name already....The director keep selling his ticket, the price almost dropped 50% above