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my little view regarding dialog of operating cash flow still positive, one off impairment (my opinion is good because mgmt quickly react to cut loss their unfamiliar business and focus back their core biz), price already react from peak 2.7+ drop to current level, next quarter can make sure profit.
Mr. Market will tell us. Nowadays invest a company really difficulty especially macro & microeconomics aspect to influence us for stock picks. A lot of compliance eg, Basel 3, syariah, esg, tradewar, anti dumping etc.
I give an example, u do a biz start up cost 12k, estimate monthly earn 2k so 1 year can gain 12k after deduct your capital. But, unlucky your real monthly only can earn 500 or less because of location, rental, employee wages, cost of material etc to cause u may decide which issue is main to affect u for rearrangement. Dialog mgmt recognize petrochemical will tough in future to make profit, so the better is cut loss now & focus back on their core biz.