Khoo Yik Chou's comment on SERBADK. All Comments

Khoo Yik Chou
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*Why Serba Dinamik a nearly recession-proof stock... but investors have not realised it yet Grab it fast before it gets higher*

• The weakness in its share price provides a great chance to add this stock because the Group is a proven winner in both low and high oil prices landscapes.

• The Group will continue to operate as normal during Malaysia’s 14-day movement control order because it needs to deliver continuous support to its clients in critical areas of the O&G industry to ensure minimal or no disruption to their operations.

• Volatility in crude oil prices will not have a long-term impact on its O&M business. *Maintenance is still required as long as productions are on-going. In fact, the Group could benefit from higher maintenance demand from the Middle East as Saudi ramps up the production*

• Serba currently has an outstanding orderbook of RM10.7 billion, *which will be more than enough to provide earnings visibility for two years. It can even enough to chart another new profit height this year despite the global business slowdown*

• Its orderbook target of RM15 billion by end-2020 remains intact with crucial maintenance work and with the Pengerang Integrated Complex starting up

• ALL brokers in town have maintained their *BUY calls on the stock with FY20 TP in a range of at least RM2.50 to RM3.05*, which implies an upside target of 79%-118%
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yutaka tong
oil company may start to cut down maintenance cost when the oil price is too low to make profit. serba dinamik will be impacted too. its a chain reaction
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Sian Jin Low
Why Yutaka always comes out some bullshit comment without doing any homework. Last time, Yutaka very funny said that ghl is not competitor of revenue group berhad. This time said cut down maintenance cost. Yutaka are you blind? So many contract hold by serbdak. Even they cut down cost, people still will use oil, some maintenance cannot be cut down one. Now oil price is lower, why you didn't said maybe more people able to buy more oil and it will be needed for more maintenance ?
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Sian Jin Low
Yutaka always come out bias comment without evidence
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yutaka tong
this is not bullshit. all this comment from those online sifu giving paid classes
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yutaka tong
their comment is very logic
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Sian Jin Low
Opps, Yutaka count on online Sifu, so these Sifu said anything you will believe, even they said ghl is not competitor of revenue group berhad you also believe?
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Sian Jin Low
They are very logic thinking to earn your money also
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Sian Jin Low
No matter how logical thinking, pls give evidence first.
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yutaka tong
every comment need to be digested. oil price so low, think oil company won't cut budget meh. simple logic
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Sian Jin Low
Your logic already cannot be trust since you said ghl is not competitor of revenue group berhad, lol.
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Sian Jin Low
Oil price low give you an opportunity buy in with lower price lo, maybe Yutaka is a trader so you won't interesting in this counter. I want invest, not trade
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yutaka tong
oil impact haven't settle yet. going in when a market keep downtrend is a suicide. oil impact will be seen in next few months
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Khoo Yik Chou
Let me share with you guys. The principal is like this. Oil price reduce was due to? Supply n Demand concept right? Meaning that Supply is too much more than Demand. So, Supply more mean Production of Oil is more. When production is more, meaning maintenance has to keep to ensure more production. Like Machine, if you wish your machine able to come out huge volume, you also need to make sure your machine is fit and tip top condition. That's is why Serba Dynamik come in and help.
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yutaka tong
not 100%, the aim of this oil war is to kill usa oil producer. other small oil producer will face the same problem. sooner or later many oil producer can go bankrupt. once no money, they will have no money to do all the maintenance..they will start to cut cost and production since the oil is too cheap.
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yutaka tong
all other oil counter is dropping tremendously showing that the oil price already affected their revenue and profit. these conpany will start to cut maintenance cost. if other oil company limit up, yes serba dinamik will have a good biz
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Silent Gaming Empire
Sian Jin is right. most of us here want to invest and not trade
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yutaka tong
when there is a big production, doesnt mean the company can sell more since the demand is low now. all the oil will be kept for reserve. profit lesser due to cheap oil when a lot of reserve
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Silent Gaming Empire
nvm lo... wait for US settle with the virus issue first.
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Silent Gaming Empire
If US can settle the virus issue asap, oil impact can be reduced lo...
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yutaka tong
oil war and virus is a different issue. not related
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Sian Jin Low
Yutaka, with current condition, no need to care too much business first, virus not get control, what stock can invest?
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Sian Jin Low
On the business side, Serbadk already show that oil price doesn't affect too much on it's business
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Sian Jin Low
KUALA LUMPUR: Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd, whose share price has plunged 20% so far this week, is seeing little to no impact from the oil price crash on its business, says group managing director Datuk Dr Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah.

“The oil price crash will not impact Serba Dinamik from the aspect of projection on income and profitability that we have put forward previously,” Mohd Abdul Karim told The Edge Financial Daily.

This, he said, is because the group expects maintenance works to still b
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Sian Jin Low
works to still be available in the current market situation — in which Saudi Arabia is opting to increase production and drive prices lower to influence its competitors.

“This is a price war, where Saudi as an oil major is expecting to ramp up production, which will result in more wear and tear, and subsequently more maintenance works,” said Mohd Abdul Karim.
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Silent Gaming Empire
yes i know. i mean US will try settle the oil problem after the virus issue has been solved.
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Sian Jin Low
Yutaka, I am not specially aim to scold you, but sometimes your comments really very stupid without doing homework.
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Sian Jin Low
Now the share price drop is because of bad economic cause by the virus, low oil price also may create panic to investor. However, company already declare that low oil price not influence much.
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Sian Jin Low
Serbadk can invest, but better not this time, their maintenance business not problem, the problem is now the whole economic not suitable to invest first
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yutaka tong
no stock is recession prove when everyone is heavily sell
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Chin Leong
lets see may only judge
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guo haur hong
margin call? force selling?
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Tay Ming Zhe
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Khoo Yik Chou
let's see who is right...
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Chin Leong
dialog 不高吗,两个业务很像的公司
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dialog 有储油罐 业务顶着 dialog 的王牌
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serbak有private equity fund support.可能需要脱手cash out, EPF一些基金去接手
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Chin Leong
Thanks for your concern about our business in this current market condition.


We would like to inform you that so far we have not seen any of our contracts being cancel and none of our client came to us to negotiate on the terms and pricing. Our core business are maintenance of O&G plant and facilities. As everyone aware, most O&G majors are increasing their production and this will lead to the equipment wear & tear deterioration. Thus, our business is to support our clients facilities to ens
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
Guo Xuan
Agree with your point of view. Serba is service for oil & gas since middle East gonna increase the production, it will increase serba revenues. No stocks is recession proof. only great business will sustain in long term, recession is time to acquire great business in cheap valuation.
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Chin Leong
this is the serbadk email to me
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Black Whale
What others are worried is not the business

They are worried over the large loans of 3.35b RM which can create credit crunch.

You ought to find out how they can mitigate this.
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Chin Leong
most of the debt is long term la. worry so much
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yutaka tong
many oil producer is losing money when the oil price lower than their production cost
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if their clients bankrupt who pay them money or give new contract?
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yutaka tong
if oil producer losing money, how do they can pay maintenance fees?
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Chin Leong
you think serbadk stupid meh, of course they analyze the customer able to pay before they accept the project. you can check their ipo prospectus, they never do impairment before.
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Agree with Chin Leong, and also oil price dropped hurt US a lot. Do you think US will let it falls continuously? You will see a dramatic move from those oil producer countries. They have their scripts to follow.
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China was went middle east collect oil already.. they will collect as many as possible while it cheap.
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William Gui
hahahhaha when baby yutaka talks common knowledge vs facts and fifurea.. baby yutaka goooooo back to school learn more before comment.
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Cris Go
@Chin Leong lol no need to explain so much to them. They don’t really go thru the company structure and analyse the capability of this company.
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Chin Leong
no la chris go, i also scare i analysis wrong. Im also want to listen other ppl worry on
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kida kida
i only know serbadk customer is malaysia, which is petronas contribute 29.1% of revenue (395454). arab saudi contribute little only (25027). so whoever says arab contribute by increase supply, is really ignoramus
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Cris Go
Serbadk main customer is Middle East. Not only Saudi increase their production, other as well. Serbadk already proved them can operate during low oil price environment. But if the COVID-19 still cannot cure by this year, Serbadk will have impact also.
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Khoo Yik Chou
Based on current trend, China that has 1.3billion population and today only record 35 people infected in whole country. So Covid19 should be able to control as long has proper policy on it. China has prove it.
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