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AIR ASIA maybe facing a HOBSON 's CHOICE in a merger with MAS IF there is no rescue plan from other sources! Is there any White Knight on the horizon riding in furiously to lend a helping hand?
The airline business is a highly- competitive one. The sky is crowded with planes and only the most agile and nimble pilot could steer the plane successfully and land safely! If an one-track pilot is the Captain ; he knows only one direction and when there is TURBULENCE in the air , he will panic !
In a critical situation , the plane will crash! In China , Moa Ze -Tung could win the war but could not develop it in peace. Then came the White Knight , DENG XIAO-PING who changed course and after 30 years CHINA today is the SECOND largest ECONOMY in the world! HOW?
His principle is simple: " The COLOUR of the cat does not matter , so long ut catches mice "
WHO is the pilot does not matter , so long he or she can navigate the plane!
So goes a NATION!