All Comments on APPASIA-WB Reload

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Arif Izzani
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come back gogogogo!!!
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Jutagajah Penipu
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Long term value investment
Jutagajah Penipu
0.08 masuk jeeee tunggu apa lagi
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Ahmad Najwan
can these warrant...go up....or can it go further
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azree firdaus
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Come on tomorrow last lap for this week!
Mohd Shukri Mat Lui
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All in 0.085
Director kaya retailer kayap... hihi
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Mohd Shukri Mat Lui
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Dian Nurfatihah
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Today is the day Appasia!
azree firdaus
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Come on appasia. Show your power tomorrow.
Zaidi Bujang
Baru je cakap que buy 0.085 hilang hilang mcm tu je
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azree firdaus
Betol bang. Goodluck esok dan seterusnya
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Dian Nurfatihah
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Huge volume in already, buckle your seatbelt guys
Mohd Shukri Mat Lui
ok ke......
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Jayms VII
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1st comment. enter at 0.065. lets see.. lets see.. either fuiyohhh or haiiyaaa..
tan chee yong
buy at 0.06
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Simon Seah
Ok hopefully rebound soon, 0.06 is the last price before fly
1 Like · 3 years · translate