Malaysia the only country with long-term anti-corruption plan — TI-M

TheEdge Thu, Dec 09, 2021 01:12am - 3 years View Original

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 8): Malaysia is the only country in the world that has a five-year plan for fighting corruption, said Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) president Dr Muhammad Mohan.

He said throughout his study on the National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) which was launched in 2019, he found that no other country has such a plan within the same period (2019-2023).

“This is a good plan, out of 115 initiatives outlined during its launch, about 25 initiatives have been achieved, and during its mid-term review several new initiatives have been added,” he said when appearing on Bernama TV’s Ruang Bicara programme to discuss ‘Rasuah dan Integriti: Di Manakah Kita? (Corruption and Integrity: We Are We?) on Wednesday night.

Muhammad said to ensure that all initiatives under the plan would be implemented at all Ministries and government agencies, the plan should be placed under the responsibility of the Chief Secretary to the Government (KSN).

He said being the top person in the country’s public service system, the KSN could ensure that secretaries-general at all the Ministries would implement the initiatives under NACP.

“With KSN as the person in charge of this plan, TI-M hopes the implementation of this plan will be included as one of the key performance indicators of heads of departments in Ministries and government agencies,” he said.

In addition, Muhammad said society should change its perception towards corruption which was previously perceived as a less serious crime compared with murder and robbery.

"The explanation of the dangers of corruption should be carried out in a way that is closer to the people's hearts by citing examples of the number of schools or hospitals that can be built with the losses incurred due to corruption," he said.


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William Khoo
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Hahhahaahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahah how??? With umno and pas, msia was doomed to be failure.
Leong Kim Ming
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Choy KinWai
1 Like · Reply
what the joke ...

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