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True. One more additional point is to put the bits and pieces of info together with regards to the glove venture progress update. Thereafter, you can decide whether it’s suitable for investment or perhaps not. Just my opinions, could be wrong. Hope it helps.
Hi Eng Hock, WK. I am equally puzzled by the sudden increase in interest towards Luster. Been following Luster since the initial position at 0.12 back then (due to its manufacturing/injection moulding capability) until cum to date. Gloves JV seems to be one that attracted lots of interest. While it may offer a new segment for Luster with higher profitability, I would prefer to be conservative until tangible results is available - construction, commissioning, qualifications and certifications to be completed all the way until the day of the first product/production lot is produced. Just my opinions, could be wrong. Hope it helps.