Harvard Wong's comment on SERBADK. All Comments

Harvard Wong
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笑死。讲KPMG raise 的red flag 是在琐碎的问题上,从而导致股价大跌而造成严重损失,失去公信力,失去信誉。

既然是琐碎的问题,就应该正视问题,马上委托独立auditor 来搞定啊。搞定了才来提告KPMG也不迟啊。


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不懂他们搞什么 委托独立auditor还是kpmg自己提给他们的意见 结果过了整个月还没委托E&Y 整个月不懂在琢磨淋
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Yao Ty
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renoma 1443
epf 的操作才是关键
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126 John
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Reddit Reddit
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Lim Horng
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Wang LC
Lim Horng 大神, 现在你终于承认蛇霸有问题了
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个人觉得KPMG after raise red flag了经理了50多天接近两个月了都没有回应Serba. Serba转告也是理所当然的事情。Serba想要赶快解决这些问题才可以继续下去。KPMG raise red flag是对的,但是他们接下来没有更近任何消息,这到觉得不应该这样。Serba 只所以会转告就是因为这一点。谁对谁错还是要等到auditor report 出来才懂
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Lim Horng
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Harvard Wong
赌徒是不需要知道,也不用关心SB的账目有没有问题的。all in 就对了。
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Harvard Wong
unknown, 如果没问题, KPMG 没有任何理由不回应 SB, 吃饱没事找事做。SB 提告KPMG 是解决不了更本的问题的。


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Joanne Tan
i saw they did clarify one by one thru announcement oledi, y ppl still say not explain n unsolved? pending apa lagi?
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Joanne Tan
KPMG purposely no reply even Serba dah clarify wit them many times, tis is wat i saw in announcement...dun listen to ppl outside talk bull n cock...KPMG yang not pro now...keep mute their mouth...
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Joanne Tan
Serba is 佛都有火, pay KPMG gaji , entertain them, explain to them but they just keep quiet, tis is wat i read frm press conf ystr......
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Shawn Ch'ng
maybe internal politic too
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Joanne Tan
wat i heard ystr was appoint EY is KPMG idea, Serba ystr says actually is KPMG job to review n revert aftet Serba explain, y Serba need listen to KPMG to complete the task that KPMG not done but was paid and let EY accomplish de job
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Harvard Wong
then why SB yet to appoint EY to settle the so call small problem?

as I said, SB should settle the audit issue first regardless is EY or any other auditor then only claim their losses from KPMG. that's the correct step.
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126 John
Why talk so much here? Just give review to KPMG will do
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Kaiba AA
aplointing Shafee already roughly guessed the real issue in it la.
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Joanne Tan
Ystr Serba replied oledi, review n answer dah given to KPMG, ini KPMG was hiding in Shell, dun sign off n keep quiet...ask Serba to get EY redo de review....Serba thinks KPMG is running frm their duty to complete de task...y shld Serba listen to them again to hire EY, sue them direct to awake them in Court is the last resort
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Joanne Tan
Serba oledi prove they hv done nothing wrong, now is KPMG turn to prove in court whether they hv breach their standard or duty as auditor for not comply to timeline n etc
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Kaiba AA
ya la ya la. Win the court case la. With Shafee and political involved, whatever the outcome, down inside the heart of investors there no more trust. If you appoint some other lawyer that have no graft case and not involved with politics, people still will support. Too bad, the bad impression is too deep.
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Joanne Tan
Lawyer is pro, doing their duty to defence for client whether they r murderer, raper, or etc...we cannot judge lawyer in tis view, like tis we no need lawyer n law oledi......
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Harvard Wong
that's why I say, settle the audit issue, not court case!

don't give your conclusion too soon.
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Joanne Tan
audit issue cannot settle one if Serba reply them 1 by 1, and KPMG refuse to face them n revert....Need wait for outcome frm security comm...if Serba took de step to sue, meaning they hv confidence to prove KPMG wrong....tis is wat i see
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126 John
Just put urself into the situation, if the auditor caused so much problem to you business, as a boss u also will sue the audit firm la. It damaged about RM3b of its market capitalisation, damaged reputation and credit rating, nothing wrong to take legal action first and settle the accounting issue later. Both can run in the same time.
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Harvard Wong
Why audit issue can be solved? that's the fundamental problem!

Solving this, everything is going be alright. that's all.

not court case, this never be good to SB even they won the case.
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Kaiba AA
so I assume Joanne will think that Najib is innocent and totally zero corruption from all the suit against him. Hmm... this is education problem now I guess.
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Joanne Tan
Sori i dun think Najib is innocent oh...but lawyer job is to defend for client
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Joanne Tan
oni judge hv right to judge who right o wrong, not lawyer not anyone of us
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Kaiba AA
Even judge say Najib is innocent, I believe based on your wording and thinking should be believe Najib is innocent too. But the whole world already have their own judgement in the heart. Politics can affect the outcome, in Malaysia anything is possible. But the truth is always buried deep inside our heart. So it's the same as Serba. With Shafee and political linked, even if judge let Serba win, how many people in % you think that investors believe the court? Is up to your own and our judgement.
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Kaiba AA
Unless the lawyer not Shafee, chairman not linked to any political party whos famous for bad things. I will still have some believe in Serba and the decision made by the court. But with these crooks helping to defend serba, sorry no thanks on whatever outcome it is.
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Joanne Tan
Even Serba won the case oso cannot escape from security commission. Now SC is reviewing their acc, we shall trust SC is fair n square and gv us more reliable answer.....
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Kaiba AA
Once you pulled in political influences, especially with the famous with crooks, how to gather confidence of fairness. Even SC says ntg wrong, but with those crooks around, how to 100% believe. Why they go and team with those people who's image is not even good.
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Joanne Tan
SC result is the most reliable, if ppl still lose confident then no choice lorr..they cannot bribe SC wat
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Harvard Wong
Joanne, that's not the function of SC. they judge base on facts and evidence given from other parties.

that's why SB should settle the audit issue in any possible way instead of bringing KPMG into court.
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ny Jin
Win the court case, no audit report, still will go to PN17,
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Harvard Wong
Joanne, even their INEDs resigned because of disagree of bringing KPMG to court. that's why I say, that was a wrong action, they should have settle the audit issue if nothing to hide. court case should be last option.
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