Kaiba AA

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Joined Mar 2018


Because dividend not attractive like RCE. And the amount not consistent.
1 week · translate
No one punt or trade these kind of stock one la. If gamble then go penny stock.
1 week · translate
Good analogy. It's like telling facts to penyakau and walaun, but they still chooses stupidity.
1 week · translate
Local Manufacturers is the fore front winner.
1 week · translate
Correct Wong, I also do agree with you. It's their interface seems not easy to use if compared with GX. Furthermore, their % of return is lower than Boost. This is where they lose more footings. If their % is highest, interface system people still can tolerate.
2 weeks · translate
Yes. What is the cons of Aeon Digital bank? Dont just keep complain without explaining in details, don't ask us to use it ourself too, because everyone expectations is different. So what is the dissatisfaction on Digital Bank Aeon?
2 weeks · translate
3 weeks · translate
Business is earning. But this sector very competitive, margin is pretty low. So it kill off the interst in investing here.
3 weeks · translate
you tinggal dalam gua ka? hm...
3 weeks · translate
Thanks to Madani govt this bank performed. If it's by Penyamun National and Tuk Penungang, this country long gone. PMX and BN best.
3 weeks · translate
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