Marcus Lim's comment on TROP. All Comments

Marcus Lim
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I wonder if Tropicana also one of them kena raided... :p
Haru Kenchiru
you can try to guess which company o4 companies.
tropicana area.
1) issues rights
2) private placement
3) employee share

which companies did that recently ie this 1 or 2 years and around tropicana area?

tropicana looked they did all the above?
is it them?

not sure, coz shares seems normal. no limit down, yet?
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Marcus Lim
not about Tropicana share...which other public listed around Tropicana area?
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lightning domain
most of the props they done all end up failure.
such a disappointment.. even their trop gardens also look like hanging on a thin thread. Rental too high consumers very little.
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