Wan Zack Rahman's comment on DNEX. All Comments

Wan Zack Rahman
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hibiscus qr make profite...476m...hope tomorrow jacked up...?
elly Dela Pena
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He's talking about Hibiscs stock code 5199 QR just released yesterday. You can find 5199 QR there under "Announcement". You can't missed it. DNeX has a subsidiary under the name of "Ping Petroleum". Based in UK but also has office here in KLCC. DNeX has another portfolio on Oil&Gas EP (Exploration & Production). Ping Petroleum shares 45% equity with Hibiscus in crude oil production in North Sea, UK. Together they formed an operating company called "Anasuria Operating Company" in Anasuria Cluster in North Sea. DNeX and Ping Petroleum owns 2 FPSO, "Anasuria FPSO bought from SHELL UK and a converted FPSO called Excalibur to be locate in another field, Marigold cluster also in UK.
Ping Petroleum is now extending their expertise in EP here in Malaysia especially offshore Peninsular & in Sarawak. Ping Petroleum was awarded these grants with 50% share with Petronas EXCEPT in Sarawak.
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