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Saw puppy, why keep follow... hahaha. I report what my crystal ball shows...hahaha... you retailer king harvest retailer lo... i is go harvest fund manager. Hahahahahaha.. no need follow me and learn from my comment.. no free tip... for you... you get ready la... many retailer soon harvest you ...
Saw puppy... you create fake story day day..... very imaginative... say more la.. doesnt affect me at all... i dont need to hype any stock to harvest follower.. hahaha i and you prey on different animal.. you prey on retailer... i prey on fund manager...hahahha2025... you gg... your jimui prey on you...
Michael Saw, block you for 1 year but you still secretly find a way to see my comment. Hahahaha. At night sleep, got dream about me or not. Hahahaha. Loser. Lame T20 stalker.
第一次 RM4.70 买入。股价跌到 RM3.7,账面亏损 21%。为了接近 RM3.85 的回本价,他肯定在 RM3.70 的时候疯狂加码。结果呢?亏损还是有 RM5,000,so表面上装作自己很专业咯。Fundamental outlook all out the window. 他是唯一 一个在亏损RM5K时就cut loss的T20专业员。到底是什么改变了?是基本面真的发生了变化,还是他在亏损上撒谎?
所以这个故事的结论是什么?T20 hype 团队 不会亏的,他们只会让你亏。他们进场有计划,退场也有策略value traps,但新手一进场,不研究、不观察,最后就被“收割”了啦。Remember! 等 MS 买了之后你再跟ok,但一定要比 MS 卖得快!为啥?因为 MS 就是大鳄鱼,一口咬下去,什么都吞掉。如果你动作慢,就变成他的“收割品”了。就像 Notion 的图表,你看出来没?这种 套路 很熟悉吧?MS 一进场,很多人跟风,结果他 quietly 抛货,最后新手全军覆没。
SawHype Is Lying to Us... Hahahaha... Thank you for admitting... Unless you buy Genting tomorrow.. there is no more need to response to fake Ms who day day claim he is T20..with day job 9 to 5.... XD You wait for Jimui attack bah.. i come back laugh you soon. Hope you follower read my post today before they gone bankrupt
No more free tip for you. Mr. Michael Saw. Hahahahaahaa.. You buy tech lor.. all in..la..hold for 6 month hahahahahhaha day day stalk me for tip. I no more give to anyone.. copycat king la u.. copy my stuff to hype your stock.... if give only i give for 5 min. See how you can every 5 min stalk me mah.. remember Nerraw never wrong. You lose 15% is Genting la. Poor baby.
Everyone see thru your lies la... Ms.. go sleep.. tomorrow go back to your 9 to 5 IT job... your 8k or 16k average down strategy work like shit hahahhaa... No need day day pretend you are guru... your opinion is about selecting news that support your stock hype... only newbie value your rubbish insight ... Hahaha, you are a cheap liar... hahahaha
Hahaha..lying on your trades is like lying on your CV.. once you lose your credibility.... you cant hype stock d... i bet you gonna create new account again soon... you this michael saw account also very new ..created in Feb2024 also... time to create again... soon... hahaha... maybe it is a good time to create Saw Hype for Feb2025? Saw Hype...wow.. what a great name! Dont use "microsoft" as your new name ya... very lame...
MS Wrote :"大家好,我是一名散户投资者,专注通过投机与投资实现资产多元化。
我关注数据分析、财报和宏观环境,注重风险分散和机会把握,持续学习并紧跟市场趋势。" All Lies...Hahahhahahahahhahahahahhaahhahaha, He buys GENTING hahahahaha
Michael Saw (a.k.a "Micro Soft" from IT department), the question that is on everyone mind now,你是不是冒着5倍现金的风险去摊低Genting的成本才解套?Hahahaha, SawHype Guru! Please teach us!!! Very few guru can teach people how to recover from -20% paper loss. How to Micro Soft the losses? Can the IT tech guy teach us how to do that please?