Alfred Loo's comment on LBS. All Comments

Alfred Loo
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Federal Govt. just informed, potential bidders for the Johor LRT/ART project to submit proposal within 4 months. Most probably we will only know who gets the project in 2H25.
Alfred Loo
Latest News: Federal have decided to choose ART over LRT.

2 weeks ago Anthony Loke said to potential bidders to submit proposal within 4 months for LRT/ART.

Not even one month gone by, Govt. decided to choose ART and forgo LRT. They fail to learn Indonesia's mistake. Such short sightedness.

Yes, LRT may be more expensive and require more time to built it, but it is more efficient and reliable in the long run as compared to ART.

ART is no different from any vehicle taking space on the road. Despite Govt. proposed an elevated ART, but the elevation will only be at certain parts along the route. If traffic jam is at its worst or if there is flood, ART will be redundant.

Govt. gave reason for choosing ART is because it is cheaper and faster to built but LRT had been proposed long before this. If they had made the decision years ago, it would be close to completion by now. And the excuse on the high costs is ridiculous since the project is going to be funded mainly by private entities.

Years ago LBS had already far sight on the RTS issue and proposed LRT to complement it, but as usual our Govt. are short sighted.
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KC Chiok
another coming fat dividend hehehehehehehehehe
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chu khoon
hope is Huat Huat one
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