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I have only 700 lots left, ah choon :) Started buying since q1'23 and zero cost it above 0.25 and bought back some there after. Have not bought it after Q2 results as the ops margins dipped to slightly below 10%. Glad to see PHB ops margins is back to normal now in Q4; >15% if you will.
Btw, are you still holding MYEG? I had a look at its Q4 report as there is pp announcement and looks weird. too good to be true. Are you familiar with it? Have a look at the development costs. I believed this could be the reason why MYEG accounting profit looks good on the surface. In actual, they are not making much money; in fact the cash increase is from drawdown of SUKUK. You may want to pay attention to it. I think its not making sense but I am not familiar with the business.
Cheng …i sold all of my Myeg this time, making a small lost, it’s weird to have PP and buying back shares( a lot) at the same time, very confusing and not logical action .
see this few days KWSP selling at a good price when the Myeg bought back shares.
ooh ok... I saw the amortisation of development costs from the q4 report is ~20M and 2023 was ~25M. Total development cost capitalised at the end of q4 is 1.8bil. Amortisation period assuming yearly amortisation of 25M equals to 72 years. That seems not making sense to have an asset with useful life of 72 years. And, net cash from operating activities is pretty much spent on development costs paid ~90%. Feels like aggressive capitalisation here and very little being expensed out; hence the high margins and seemingly high accounting profit. I am not familiar with what MYEG is doing, hence, asking about. Good to be cautious.
Cheng….thanks for your analysis, anyway I won’t buy anymore….
i will rather buy other tech. stocks which the price already dropped heavy ……like greatec, cpetech and infotech……whereby earnings for the first quarter still remains reasonably strong.