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MSCI last day of rebalancing. Has to be done. Several changes. GenM out from MSCI emerging market and entered into MSCI Global Small cap index. IGBreit entered MSCI Global small cap index too. Inari out from MSCI emerging market and entered into Malaysia small cap index. So, index funds movement on these 3 and you will observe high volume.
Not sure about money inflow indicator, whack9e. The emerging market index fund has to sell GenM and Inari by yesterday. Who picked it up? These two were entered into two different index and the respective funds may pick up some.
The link below has the next review dates and you can keep it for your own reference if you are owning stocks that are affected by the review. More volatile than FTSE index change as I have read somewhere in the past that MSCI being referenced by global funds while FTSE being referenced by local funds. https://www.msci.com/eqb/pressreleases/archive/ir_dates.pdf