MY Food Roger's comment on KUCINGKO. All Comments

MY Food Roger
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i didn't get the IPO for this kucing... first day listing it was goreng up to 0.84... many managed get the ipo at 0.30 one sold at 0.80 above happily... those bought at 0.8 during first day and still holding till now... dun know when will goreng up to 0.8 again.. even those bought at 0.2 above also "crying" now... i just hope that this kucing will not join " fintec" group in the future... issue pp, right issue, consolidation... then really will fall to below 0.1... well, if you trust management.. then keep holding lar... wait for strong rebound... since boss sendiri pun ada manyak share.. they will not the boat sink gua..
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