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17/04/2020 KUALA LUMPUR: In view of the current trying time, the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) chairman Datuk Syed Zaid Albar announced that Bursa Malaysia will temporarily suspend Practice Note 17 (PN17) or Guidance Note 3 (GN3) classification on companies which financial positions slip into the status.
“We have already allowed PN17 and GN3 companies up to 24 months to regularise their financials.
“So, moving forward, in addition to this, after a discussion with Bursa, Bursa will provide companies listed on the Main Market, temporary relief from the PN17 classification in relation to certain criteria,” said Syed Zaid. The temporary relief also applied to GN3 for ACE Market-listed companies.
Currently, there are 25 Main Market-listed PN17 companies and three GN3 companies on ACE Market which need to regularise their financial positions.
The 28 companies now have more time to work out their regularisation plan considering they contend with challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic, said Syed Zaid.
“These measures will allow companies more time to regularise their financial positions. The period for this relaxation will be effective from April 17 this year until June 30, 2021,” he said during a virtual media briefing in conjunction with the release of the SC’s 2019 annual report yesterday.