Nelson Lee

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Joined Aug 2017


very likely cause further Fed rate hike expected,plus China just released low economic GDP...TA show downtrend
2 years · translate
12inch semiconductor wafer fab manufacturing is highly complex with huge capital risk.Wafer qualification process alone take high effort and time(mask layout plan,reliability testing,yield stability,etc).Globally,only select few companies successfully achieved such economic of scale production.Foundry industry market leader like TSMC also used many yrs,large capital(partnership & invest EV tools,etc)& overcome process tech challenges to achieve stable yield success today.
2 years · translate
normal,institutional investor play with big capital & small gain in short time..
5 years · translate
Speculation effect...
5 years · translate
what go up,must come down..
6 years · translate
hmm...past few days,their top executives and shareholders are choking up shares like crazy... speculation before QR?
6 years · translate
may I know on what basis,is consider a discount?
6 years · translate
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