Ramesh Jagaswaren

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Joined Sep 2023


Smart kwsp keeps purchasing huge quantities .... knowing in advance the warrants offered might be abolished?
3 days · translate
Our country pays the price for most one sided policies and supporting causes that don't bring whatsoever benefits.
3 days · translate
Have conviction....see the fundamentals...
Overall markets red and don't panic sell
2 weeks · translate
Let it drop as it's the best opportunity to collect lower
2 weeks · translate
Day dream la with your cents target....
2 weeks · translate
IBs would quickly take advantage of issues to come up with slashed targets when they know very well of the actual possible value
2 weeks · translate
Ytl management from the highest should do something about this extremely unpopular so called warrants gift.. otherwise... others keep moving up and away
2 weeks · translate
Unfortunate long term holders paying the price
2 weeks · translate
So powerful rise ..haha
2 weeks · translate
Stock already took beating before and with this quarter hopefully gives some recovery ground
2 weeks · translate
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