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Joined Sep 2023


As long as increase it means big for the reputation hehehe...
1 week · translate
All this analysis report are bull****.
The so called market analyst be it foreign or in-house they are all scammer of reporting.
1 month · translate
Nothing great this stock anymore. With KLCI is around 1600 this stock will not go further. Better buy O&G stock that pay divide every quater.
2 months · translate
I don't see foreign capital in flow benefits this stock anyway. It just a speculative thinking.
2 months · translate
Just bring your coins to another bank. Which branch is that ?
3 months · translate
You are right. The benjawan that's not so conducive to investor. More to belanja kawan. Lost my trust. Big huha huha.
4 months · translate
I thought this administration will help the people by removing all those taxes. But it happens on the other hand. More and more unpredictable taxes was introduced.
4 months · translate
You buy in the morning and wallaa by afternoon it will shoot up and give you profit instantly ?
That's is not the right philosophy in investment. It must take long term and very costly.
5 months · translate
We have been fooled by the so called economic report or stock market analyst. All the analysis have gone wrong or going to an opposite direction. Haha. Trust me to trust nobody.
5 months · translate
This counter up just by rising our electricity bills out of blue.
Are you making money or you just providing service to people ?
Go back to basis. Utilitiy co. should not be as money making co.
5 months · translate
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