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Joined Sep 2024


not sure what syed M is doing.either want to privatise or he is a fuc*king hopeless who cant defend his own company.seeing for companies like this on bursa,even genting.and all bursa can do is churn out mass IPO which will drop on day 1.really scamming investors.
2 days · translate
bodoh punya bod and operator.macam bankrap and pokai gila.hunting for penny prices.dulu pun dah teruk bila ada tun diam.once dah mati masuk tong sampah je this stock.fuc*king embaressing and sad.
2 days · translate
msian stocks are dying thanks to pmx .poor management n syok sendiri statement
2 weeks · translate
lanca* company.rugi n revenue drop.that why wait till last day to announce.bodoh company,dunno how rugi when tourism is flourishing.just sell the assets n make money lah
2 weeks · translate
this stock will be penny soon.genm has been supporting US n UK operations.stupid chairman using company money to support his useless pet class guy.destroying him father biz for sure.
2 weeks · translate
shit stock.hopeless msian stocks.better najib be least he knows to run the economy.
3 weeks · translate
msian stocks are in shit hole.most trading at all time low.
hopeless pm x,talk big when index up now quiet only.
msian institution also hopeless,all bankrupt.can even push up the prices.
stupid news biz portals everyday put up news saying money will flow to asian.
talk shit long u are protesting against US,no money will flow in.
3 weeks · translate
memang bab* anak haram punya operator.always playing for 0.5cent then tiba2 drop.sudah bertahun tahun collect.apa lanca* tak cukup lagi ke.gila miskin operator ini
1 month · translate
ini operator celaka pengemis.tak de duit nak push.duk kutip sisa buangan.memalukan nama t*n.tak nampak macam counter boss billionaire.sejak2 kena freeze account ,this counter macam anjing ciba*.so paham2 lah siapa yg belakangnya.rot in hell he and him family and his gang who is manipulating the price.
1 month · translate
the buto* mat ciba* still selling down to tekan the many margin account shares.fu*kers know many on margins.lanca*
1 month · translate
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