Chris Tan

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Joined Jun 2018


Lol stupid companies, do you know what it takes to go public my friend? Don’t let emotions get to you in investing, but if you’re trading based on technical analysis without enough research on fundamentals, that’s just plain risky gamble.
2 weeks · translate
@Yap Idk bro, I’m far from a guru. But good question, depends on their risk strategy, appetite and actuarial calculations. Pretty sure it’s more quant than qual approach. In a perfect world, insurers would hold at least 100% of potential claims in cash.
3 weeks · translate
@Travel Videos, in case you miss it, this is a case where the stock price is going up. You’re welcome.
3 weeks · translate
Insurance should hold more RE for unforeseen claims.
3 weeks · translate
Buy in batches guys, so you will still have chance to buy if it drops further. Average down.
1 month · translate
Dang guys, new low! This is the time to buy!
1 month · translate
不跌 怎么买。。。?
1 month · translate
Price go up when -> if you know how to read the chart, you can see the wave-like pattern, which means there’s up and there’s down. If the price only goes down, it’ll be a downward slope. If it only goes up, it’ll be an upward slope. I hope this helps with your understanding of up and down. I can attempt to elaborate more if required.
1 month · translate
Wah now named “Travel Videos”, every now and then change name. But surprisingly still here to comment on the stock price change. When price goes up, quiet. When price drops, noisy.
1 month · translate
If he opens the door for you, profit would have be 5% less cause his time could be better spent at creating value hahaha. A pity it is.
1 month · translate
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