Lawrence Tan

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Joined Jun 2018


kalau lapizi dan geng politicians tak kacau, kerajaan sudah bagi pertolongan.
2 years · translate
3 years · translate
Owners need to share more positive news about their company or forecasts. they should start working on their corporate coms team and release more info on their products amd start engaging with shareholders. losing value everyday and with RSS very soon i'm down to minus 50%.
4 years · translate
esos price is usually taken from avg share price at that time of granting. so that time share price was trading at lower price. so the esos price staff gets is at a bargain if dnonce share price can sustain at this level. for Dnonce, their Q2 report is coming out soon and hint from release is will be great as benefiting from packaging to glove makers in Thailand
4 years · translate
why dangerous? 2 consecutive quarter report showing incremental profit. non woven fabric now contribute 70% Q3 will increase production when new line setup complete on August. there are worst shares out there which has limit up. my 2 cents
4 years · translate
sorry to hear that. but you're not the only one. EPF too.
5 years · translate
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