Yuen Sing Lee

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Joined Dec 2018


It's bear market but why is edgenta fall so much? Would you enlighten me? Or just act like you know something. Edgenta
"The infrastructure services segment maintains and repairs civil, mechanical, and electrical works on roads, along with infrastructure and expressway works. The integrated facilities management segment provides hospital support, facilities management and infrastructure facility services. "

isn't it supposed to rise instead of dropping that much? And there's no news.
4 years · translate
yesterday total 50 people kena corona. global corona case increase like hell... but rebound? goreng it is.
5 years · translate
good quarter report this and confirm next quarter. There's no question it's gonna rise. The glove stock is going to rise steadily if no one goreng. I'm gonna hold it till May to Jun.
5 years · translate
After you run, EPF come in and say "Surprise!"
5 years · translate
Why JAKS keep flying?
5 years · translate
確診20540,疑似23214, 426死亡人數。病情沒有停止擴散。手套股如果明天再跌,我也不知道是跌什麼了
5 years · translate
5 years · translate
up or down and up.
5 years · translate
手套這時候只有升不會降,降的是讓我們再次買進,不是賣出。這樣才能穩穩上。人家Supermax關係沒有topglov 大確上得快又跌得總額少。這只6.5都還沒到就那麼多人消息都不看怕跌就先跑。上是一定的了,穩一點。這只是很有潛力的~
5 years · translate
這種傳染病比SARS 強5,8倍的東西,不會短短幾天就好的。現在才剛剛開始漲而已,現在低價還有機會。
5 years · translate
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