hakim jamal

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Joined May 2019


bergantung pada news, new project will benefit to the income of the company, meaning good qr
4 years · translate
sifu2..why uwc n greatec rise so much faster from mi?
4 years · translate
yes, so power at first with volume n everything then last minute drop..haha
4 years · translate
holiday pullback
4 years · translate
Breakout 52 weeks high
4 years · translate
would you think that the price will drop much lower tomorrow because all the main indices is red now also the future indices, and china is having trouble to restart their economy and the covid in the us is getting worse
4 years · translate
opr increase or decrease can any sifu tell me the effect to the market..
5 years · translate
why is monday candle gone?..
5 years · translate
i just cant hold my self to push my finger tu buy..greatec just get higher n higher..haha..need to calm myself n go party..
5 years · translate
sell to early cuz hit tp..now im disappointed..haha..when will it retrace, or should i just buy it now..haha..
5 years · translate
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