Kai Xuan Tan

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Joined Nov 2019


没有为什么 庄家要他上 谁都抵挡不了
3 years · translate
Wait for news , more confirmed cases from kossan like topglove coming out .
4 years · translate
Heard that Kossan covid cluster coming ?
4 years · translate
TNLOGIS they expand on too a lot of business even all consider logistics , they have to stay focus on there expert . This cause them loses on the investment . If they restructure there detection focus on transport lorry , could bring back their profit .
4 years · translate
This month is just do run test . Production will only start on next year 4-5 . And FDA not yet done as well
4 years · translate
If you check properly , the machine from China not yet done 100% install . Mostly next year April only will start all the production .
4 years · translate
12月 还出不到手套 。厂盖好了 , 机器中国延迟进来 , 还没完全好。 预计3-4 月还能开始生产
4 years · translate
工厂是好了 ,机器进口还没有进完安装 。 预计明年 3-4 月 , 生产线才正式启用。
4 years · translate
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