Jiajun Chong

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Joined May 2020


Don’t run far. Shit company, good brand. Come back when there is a fair price. Perhaps near 50sen?
4 years · translate
Privileged child talk. You buy only need to straight go up ka? It’s a business. Recovers with time.
4 years · translate
Submitted letter for extension for 1QR report. Haha...they so scared that the share price will crash. So wait to have more good news to cushion the super red QR report. I hope bursa rejects haha. Should be fun.
4 years · translate
I say counter is 4.5 this one sibuk wanna say 3.45. Go vroom vroom at the playground. Small boy. They should have more strict age limit for stock market. So that 12 year old kids like you don’t make a fool out of themselves.
4 years · translate
Foo Foo..wrong means admit la. RM 4.5 counter up 10sen you wanna congrats ka. Live in cave ah you
4 years · translate
Awang buy 10mil share at 30sen. He won’t buy at 30sen if it’s worth 20sen. Buy and hold. Get rich. With the volume he’s buying, price will rocket to about 50sen soon. Buy and hold. Get rich
4 years · translate
5 million means he will be like us, buying share on rakuten. Not own a company haha. He has almost 100m now from share he sold in past 1 month
4 years · translate
4 million share buy at 29 sen by awang. Hold...and get rich. More to come
4 years · translate
Mineteck boss has about 50m cash (he sold his other share. One day, very soon, it will open at 50% more then the previous day close. Don’t miss it. Check out this gang other companies. Same style of limit up. My guess, the boss let new board of directors buy cheap first. After that he will pump up the price
4 years · translate
In the past 1 year, this gang (originally serbadk) pushed 3 share price from 60sen range to RM3. I suggest y’all hold. Might just get super lucky within the next few months
4 years · translate
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