Sii Chin Yew

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Joined May 2020


Contact ur remiser to subscribe or just let the OR become useless paper
4 years · translate
@KH KH 这么说,你现在用0.10去买价值0.90的股票,这个股票现在正在贬值,老板出了一个优惠卷(OR),让你可以用0.08的的价格再买一份。随后新股上市,这个股票的价值只剩0.45。如果当时你不用优惠卷再买一份,你手上拥有的就是以0.10买的价值0.45的股票。如果你当时用了优惠券,就是以0.18的价格买了两股价值0.45的股票,相对而言,你拥有这个价值0.45的股票的成本为0.09,比不用优惠券的人便宜了0.01。当然,你卖了优惠券,赚到了200令吉,也可以协助你降低购买股票的成本。
最终卖不卖OR, 还是要看你对这个股票的信心,认为它的价值在多少,值不值得你追加投资。
4 years · translate
4 years · translate
有,你不能购买RI。如此一来,你的股权将被稀释。例如原本你的股票原本是每股价值0.11,nta 0.91,pe 0.29,可是由于你没有买OR SUBSCRIBE RI,于是在新股发行后,你的股票会被稀释,每股nta和pe会调整,股价也会跟着调整,但你的持股成本却没有average down。新股如果全数被认购,那么股价会调整到0.10或更低,nta 会变成0.455或更低,pe会变成0.58或更高。
4 years · translate
For rakuten user:
1. Make sure u have fintec OR in your account. Mare sure u have enough caah balance in your account.
2. Log in your account with rakuten web version.
3. Click "my account" after you log in your account.
4. U will see five small column in my account there, choose the fourth column "corporate action subscription".
5. Tick before the share name, and fill in the right issue share u want to subscribe, then make the payment.
6. rakuten will do the rest. You just needed to wait.
4 years · translate
@johnson lim u can just only subscribe the RI if u got fintec OR in your rakuten account. U can buy fintec OR in open market, or u buy fintec mother share before 24.11.2020 5:00 pm, then u will get fintec OR by free.
4 years · translate
@shipee 64gb for rakuten user, just untill 03.12.2020 10:00am is expired.
4 years · translate
Kindly remind all rakuten user: if anyone want to subscribe RI, pls subscribe and make paymen before 10:00 am 03.12.2020(myself will subscribe 02.12.2020, afraid server problem or anything accident). After that time, RI of this share can't subscribe already(For rakuten user, others investment bank i dun know). Anyone want to subscribe, pls log in with rakuten web version, and go to my account there to process.
4 years · translate
27.11.2020 start subscribe, 11.12.2020 stop. See at anouncement fintec
4 years · translate
What we do may be just filling the form and pay.
4 years · translate
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