Adam Tang

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Joined May 2020


Why this warrant not really moving? Mother RM 1.09. Warrant should be at at least 0.32
2 weeks · translate
Why this warrant tak naik? mother naik?
6 months · translate
Higher Revenue and Narrowing Loss. Read the report 1st before commenting
6 months · translate
How do you calculate the premium for call warrants? I know calculation for ratio and value, but a bit blur for premium
3 years · translate
Can explain why Astro C24 dropped? Other CW up?
3 years · translate
I bought at high price, before Jack Ma open his big mouth. 0.20
3 years · translate
This valuation based on HK exchange or Nasdaq exchange?
3 years · translate
Yes, wondering why nobody buying
4 years · translate
Tenaga Batin kuat
4 years · translate
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