Pp Pp

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Joined Jun 2020


如果官司贏了,無須繼續審查,繼續上市,股價暴漲,還能得到各方被告的賠償;否者先buy time, 繼續上訴,主要阻止報告公諸於世,待下市後就無需理會審查報告,公司繼續運營無誤,目前公司的項目值還高過股票市值。
3 years · translate
Can, give more supporting docs to the opponent to sue ourself.
3 years · translate
Unreasonable deadline, sue Brsa
3 years · translate
Exactly, the decision made should be collectively among directors and have higher order of emotional and moral quotients than political acumen. The roles of independent directors are to provide correction and made available to stakeholder (include Auditor) to express their concern to the Board. Good company's behavioral allowing rigorous debate and questioning assumption for the decision. Now the board losing independence sounds, it should go back to private limited if stakeholders' opinions are unacceptable.
3 years · translate
Same to customers, addresses provided not exist at the first place, all addresses provides are wrong, so careless? And query no. 2, 5 vendors' companies with the same shareholder and paid up capital of 100k only each, with same registered office, having total cost of 60M - 96M in transaction with the company.
3 years · translate
新委任的稽查師得重新稽查公司,回應新上任的Audit Chairman, 在10月底前完成並提交年報,整個董事局排除新董事,剩下舊的3名非獨立董事兼股東,報告讓董事不happy, 不過關可能吃官司,而且還得回應bursa的要求,關注和審查前稽查師的queries.
3 years · translate
1) Auditors tak happy, sue, ind directors tak suka, please resign, dominant personality 2) matters direct approved by Executive Director/major shareholder without any debate from independent point of view. 3) ignore the signals or influence the opinions from the Auditor 4) incompetence board 5) non observation of procedure, anyone can be vendor or customer of the company, not require any qualification or abilities. Resignation of chairman and ind directors will be the indicator of corporate failure.
3 years · translate
Base on prior years record, could be by end of April along with the Notice of AGM. Ex date could be by end of June.
4 years · translate
4 years · translate
季報出爐前,董事或高層們若要在市場上進行交易必須先通知(intention to deal during closed period),通常在這announcement 後的第3天才可以交易,也就是後天
4 years · translate
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