Benjamin Zhang

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Fame: 32
"a share is not a lottery ticket... it's part-ownership of a business."

Joined Jul 2020


I still think RM3.80 is too high. Before last year, it was always around RM2.00 (RM8 before bonus).
Growth is good, but probably waiting at RM3.20 before considering entry.
2 years · translate
现在他大赚一笔,又有新的大股东 (JOE 公司)!真是一举两得。
2 years · translate
I entered a small position in OCNCASH at RM0.36 as the worst should be over for OCNCASH. Selling at 1 year low share price, company net cash, below NTA, positive cashflow in recent quarters, and Directors buying back gives me confidence.
2 years · translate
说不伤是骗人的。但是应该2年之内可以cover 回来。

Bio 不会是Buffett的那种Apple, Coke, Wells Fargo 优质股等级,或者本地的Nestle, Pbbank, Harta。

Bio 在Covid 之前,都是有赚钱的,而且Revenue 这几年有稍微增长。但是现在众人都不看好它。

PNB & iCapital 有长期投资Bio,证明有一部分股票是不会短期卖掉。当 demand 来的时候,应该不容易买。

Bio 不只是帮别人 manufacture health product, 还有自己品牌的产品,甚至自己的pharmacy.

我比较奇怪的是它的中国生意,因为contract 蛮大,但是好像不懂是谁来的。可能散户也不喜欢Bio 的原因是这个吧。

我觉得 Bio 像个丑小鸭。虽然可能不会变天鹅,但是至少,未来会变得美一点。
2 years · translate
Bioalpha 是我的投资组合里最小的。

Bioalpha, Krono, Airasia, Padini, HPMT, Icap, Pbbank, MFCB, Genm.
2 years · translate
FP Group没有很大的债务, 是不会那么容易倒的
FP Group does not have huge debts, it would not collapse/close shop that easily.
2 years · translate
我在 0.15 加了一点。
平均价还在0.20,我仍然等待 0.28 以上才卖。

Added at 0.15.
Although average price is still 0.20, I'm still waiting above 0.28 before selling.
I'm currently suffering losses which can be painful, but at least it won't face a terrible fate like SERBA.
2 years · translate
富哥 / Fool gor,
想请教下,subscribe Airasia 的 Rcuids 有什么好处?
1. 是在于8% profit rate?
2. 还是在convertible at RM0.75 ?(如果Airasia 以后RM2, convert at RM0.75 就获利)
3. 还是Warrant convertible at RM1? (跟Point 3 一样)

照我看,subscribe 的话,是因为很有信心Airasia以后股价 >RM1.50, 是吧?
2 years · translate
我最近买了一点 Padini,因为现在经济可能像2009 到2010,人人买价廉物美的吧。(consumer shopping habits may change, looking for bargain buys as budget is tight)

如果说别的股,我比较看好 FP group,现在股价不会太高,cashflow还不错,又有关联semicon。没有买,还观察着,因为买了Bioalpha, Krono,还有之前PBBank。
3 years · translate
只是最新他们加了 OCK & LUXCHEM.
3 years · translate
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