Joo Ching Wong

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Joined Aug 2020


Looks like it’s dropping down to below 0.70sen to facilitate those who want to invest in this counter
23 hours · translate
Investors making big profits after unloaded their shares causing downturn of price but Co is firm n resilient. May spike in d near future when market sentiment improves!
Yesterday · translate
Owing to weak market sentiment price didn’t sustain at above 0.82 and came down to closing price with small gain! Tomorrow will be better day!
3 days · translate
Next week price will spike up beyond 0.80 with higher volume
6 days · translate
All calculations and predictions on prices of both parent and warrant A shares are way out. Be patient to wait for sometime before prices get moving upwards.
1 month · translate
Luckily unloaded major amount of this counter to switch over to parent Co. If price of this counter came down to 0.25 can consider to buy in aftr payment of div shortly. Happy investing in this New Year of intelligent Snake of Good Fortune!
2 months · translate
Advised to invest in Ecowld 8206 to get regular n better results n divs beside Ewint
2 months · translate
Just FYI, as advised by Exco member prospect is very good coz Co has zero borrowing on term loan buying land n mostly on JVs with landowners. Only needs bridging loans for construction purposes n which loans r dispensed in stages during construction period n at same time can sell to public with end financing loans. This enables gradual income from sales n interest n capital on bridging loans greatly reduced. When financial climate improves globally CO’s performance will be enhanced with higher dividends! Let’s pray for it. Meanwhile if get profit can sell n buy at below 28sen.
3 months · translate
Place order to sell frm 0.34sen to 0.40sen to unload some while awaiting for better financial climate
3 months · translate
As widely anticipated this Co of many MOUs has brought profitable businesses and set to fly Hopefully she can fly higher and higher proving to investors her acumen and far sightedness!
3 months · translate
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