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timomo, U apa-lan company using Nvidia H200...u use for mining bitcoin-kah? curi TnB electric-kah?... or use for playing PC game?... ha! ha! ha!... SNS multimillion 700M+ company... U see Monday how they shot back to 90¢+...By coming mth break 1.20+ Tahniah Hari Raya
U apa-lan company using Nvidia H200...u use for mining bitcoin-kah? cuti TnB electric-kah?... or use for playing PC game?... ha! ha! ha!... SNS multimillion 700M+ company... U see Monday how they shot back to 90¢+...By coming mth break 1.00+ Tahniah Hari Raya
Tech stock coming back so fast! Thank you PMX support Tech stock. SNS bankers coming very fast... Volumes keep on going up. Buy Buy Buy... easily hit 200%+... Roti & Kaya saya suka
Thank you PMX support Tech stock again. JCY will shot up very fast. Selamat Hari Raya Green Packet... Pls sell all the ticket to me... easily hit 200%+... ini kali-lah :)
Tak suka tolong buang semua stock, saya akan angkat semua daripada stock di tangan kamu. Suka sekali O&G yang hebat macam ini. Net cash banyak gila. Next Q untung balik saja... satu dua ratus million, Sap-Sap-Sui
Perfect timing to go in, limit up & break thru next week. Happy Raya Puasa all will become Golden Eggs once break 1.21. Banker all in
ready for the big wave
Why keep on DUMPING? will it drop below S2 minus 2.64. Nvidia drop -16%, Goodman Group -8.4%, Nexdc -9.3% HMC Capital - 6.7%, Jpn Advantest -10%, YTLpowr -9.5%, YTL -5.9%, garmuda -2.8%, Sunway -3.7%... Al all have to cut lost immediately. After 2 day holiday will drop another -30% or not?