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Fame: 1,119
Dare to rise to the sky. Bull is coming..

Joined Sep 2020


Those IDSS gang and LKT really good on this washing retailer. Blood money to them and hell burn all..
3 days · translate
Buy Buy Buy
4 days · translate
Apa lu tunggu lagi… ur hand full of bloody shares and still don’t move up… stingy old rotten egg. Hahaha
6 days · translate
Never climb to the hill before and now gap down to hell. Others price fall still their price is up the hill. Hopeless LKT
6 days · translate
Others shares gap up and now push down, still they are on the hill. This Genting only know how to gap down but never go up hill before. Is Genting & Genm dying? This LKT really dunno how to manage the group business, not like his father.
6 days · translate
Hahahahaha….. egg still rotting….
1 week · translate
Is 69 gao gao haha
1 week · translate
Bad trend. Always push up and wash retailer away. Scammer at large and SC still sleeping. Maybe today LKT forgotten to take his medicine
1 week · translate
All shares rebounded after morning session of selling. Only this LKT still in dilemma and forgot to instruct his funder to push it up. Maybe he forgotten to eat his TauRx’s medicine.
1 week · translate
This LH is becoming an old folks chicken farm. No guts to move forward. Better they buy back all shares and delisted from Bursa. Then they can sleep with their chicken shit
2 weeks · translate
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