Richard fth

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Joined Dec 2020


Wow. Share Shot up becos of additinonal dividen. However IDSS shows more movement that mean share will go down soon.
5 days · translate
Wow. This is really low. How low will it go down somemore. . My advice sell now or hold for dividend. .Best. Buy for dividend.
2 weeks · translate
Wah. Those scum can really lie and give false information. Saying owner sold his share. Just to push down the share price.
2 weeks · translate
The Share will continue to drop further. Sell now before it to late. . or hold for the dividend.
3 weeks · translate
Hello Why Push Up. ? Don't you want to Push down below Rm2. . Push down Lah. We silll still buy up the share. . Do not worry.
3 months · translate
This is How a good company Work. You sell share. They buy back and cancel. You know this company is growing. Do not sell Just buy more.
3 months · translate
What is the problem. ? Could not even bring down the share price . Lossing steam or no more share to sell..
3 months · translate
what to do? They want world war 3 to start
3 months · translate
Yes. We should also jump in to grab as many share below rm2.
4 months · translate
Every Biz must always do maintaining. and improvenent to the production line. That is the only way to improve.
Shutdown or slowdown . it depend on your understanding.
4 months · translate
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